Chandra kumala School
Back To Village
Back To Village
what fun
begins at home
IPAC - Music
IPAC - Music

From the moment...

... you enter our campus, you can see, hear and feel that CKS is a place where students can be comfortable and safe, a place of joy where innovation, creativity, and learning can flourish

Witnessing children engage in hands-on learning, often speaking naturally in English, showing their creativity, participating in profound and insightful student discussions, and observing their daily growth is a source of joy to me and to all the amazing teachers and staff that are part of the vibrant CKS community.

Please explore this site to find a little more of what we can offer to students, and contact us to find out more, better yet, join us for an open day, or make an appointment to come and visit us.

Malahayati Holland

yung yung

Tisha tabhita

Suwandi Sibarani

Sukma Fajri

Sri Ferwitasari

Rosadiana Tampubolon

Richard Simamora


Renjes Fernando

Ratna B Sihotang

Ramli M Manurung

nikolay Semin

Neneng Seniati

Monalisa Pakphan


Mayang Sari

Malahayati Holland

Lince A Saragih

Liana Samosir

Kui Tiau

Khairina Rangkuti

Jeffri N M Harianja

Jason Baerhold

Isabela Rosepha

Ian Anderson


Ganesha Wijaya

Fransiska Widiastuti

Fajar Sukma

Fahrudin Purba

Emelia Siregar

Eli Juniar

Dilia D M Tarigan


Astu B Situmorang

Andrew P Watts

Andreas Kamalnathan

  • btv
  • btv1

Testimonial on “Back to Village Program” from our Secondary School Parents


Review from mama C

Masuk mobil langsung cerita gak berhenti sepertinya dia menikmati dan mencoba menyatu dgn alam ^_^ Udara yg seger, air yg sejuk, dan C beberapa kali ga sadar berlinang mata dan merasa mellow karna melihat murid lokal tetap semangat walaupun akses lokasi yang terbatas

Dari pengalaman ini, C belajar harus lebih banyak bersyukur. Thankyou CKS and Teachers atas penglaman dan pelajaran yang berharga buat C. Pengalaman ini akan membekas di sepanjang hidup mereka

[mommy support💚]


Review from mama K

Saya mama K

Dulu sebelum saya mendaftar anak saya ke CK yang bikin saya paling tertarik adalah *program magang & back to village*. Dan kedua program ini sudah dilakukan anak saya. Saat saya dikasih tau mengenai program Back to Village, saya excited, karna saya pernah juga ikut program seperti ini waktu SMA, jadi sebelom berangkat kmrn, saya juga banyak cerita dengan K.

Menurut saya, program “Back to Village” dari CK sangat bagus, cara yg tepat untuk mengajak anak-anak melihat “dunia lain” yang ada di sekitar mereka, merasakan dunia itu, dan bisa lbh bersyukur atas apa yg mereka miliki saat ini, jadi bisa lebih berempati ya miss…

Saya harap, kedua program ini bisa dipertahankan, karna K masih ada adik di CK, saya harap, adiknya bisa mendapatkan pengalaman yg sama dgn kakaknya😅😅

Thank you ya miss🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Review from a parent

Program Back To Village yang bagus buat anak saya. Setelah pulang dari sana, anak saya selalu berdoa sebelum makan. Saya nanya, “wow. kok bisa boy.” Dia jawab. “Yaaa. Saya mau bersyukur utk semua yg ku dapat”


Review from Parent AL

Untuk saya pribadi, saya happy dengan program Back To Village. Anak-anak kita sekarang sadar kalau hidup mereka selama ini sangat nyaman. Dengan program ini, anak-anak belajar lebih bersyukur dengan keadaan mereka.

  • Cedric Anthony
    Class of 2021

    During my time in CKS in the past decade, I have made so many memories with my friends and my teachers. My teachers have helped me shape into the person I am now today, I can say in total confidence that without them I'd be a different person. Those memories I made, some good and some bad, but most of which I can now look upon and laugh at. I went through so much, I have things crossover of what I might call it as some trivial situations, but they always had my back. I consider myself lucky to be in Chandra Kumala School.

  • Calvin Leo Putra
    Class of 2020

    CKS teachers are super friendly, the laughs, jokes, and happiness that happened during my high school in Chandra Kumala School i will never forget. One of the most cherished moments in CKS was when the teacher gave me some advice and suggestions, I thought it was very useless. And now in my university life, I just realize that it is the most encouraging advice that I have ever received. Thank you TO ALL MY TEACHERS AND CKS!

  • Ryo Hilmawan
    Class of 2019

    During my time in CKS, these were the most carefree moments especially in Junior High. Not all my time in school was actually spent just studying school subjects, but also I learnt to play guitar, or programming. I was a socially awkward person, but one day, out of nowhere I was offered to join the musical drama performance, Annie, conducted by the school drama club. I was reluctant at first, because they told me I had to sing and dance. But that experience was amazingly fun! And I became more confident after that. It was worth it. I'll never forget the experience.

  • Fira
    Class of 2018

    In Chandra Kumala, when you ask more during your lesson and you want to do more experiments on certain things, they will help you with your experiments and projects. I was in the school dance club and it's an extra-curricular as well, and I wasn't discriminated against here. They do not limit me to just research and stick to it or just dance. But I can do both in this school. They let me be whatever I want to be, I will be given the opportunity to be the best that I am in it.




Where champions are made, sports ignite the spirit of competition and resilience within our school.


Unlocking creativity and embracing the spotlight, the drama club brings stories to life on our school stage.
  • Primary and Secondary Drama Club
  • Drama R J
  • Juliet & Her Romeo



Cambridge Pathway

Benefits of a Cambridge education

Discover an education that gives students the skills they need for life, helping them achieve at school, university and work.

  1. International curriculum
    Our curriculum sets a global standard for education, with programmes that stretch, challenge and inspire our students.
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  2. Teaching and learning
    The Cambridge teacher and learner attributes inspire a love of learning in our students and an innovative approach in our teachers.
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  3. Assessment
    Good assessment is at the heart of a good education. We design assessments that are fair, valid, reliable and practicable.
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  4. International recognition
    Cambridge students can be confident that their qualifications will be valued by universities and employers across the world.
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  5. Global community
    Be part of a global community – nearly a million students in 10,000 schools in 160 countries prepare for the future with our qualifications.
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  6. Parents and students
    Find out how we prepare students for life, ready to tackle the demands of tomorrow’s world.
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Harmonizing talents, the music program orchestrates lifelong appreciation and artistic growth.


Beyond the classroom, extracurricular activities helps to unleash the full potential of every student


Unleashing laughter, forging friendships, and creating lifelong memories, an escape filled with joy and endless fun activities.


Empowering with inquiry and innovative thinking, illuminates minds, fuels curiosity, and shapes the future.


Compassion in action, our school's charity initiatives uplift lives, ignite empathy, and inspire a generation of changemakers.


English in school is a gateway to global communication and knowledge. It empowers students with the ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and access a vast array of information
  • Inspire Performing Arts Centre
    We will help you unlock your inner star at IPAC, where creativity comes to life and dreams take center stage!
61 661 6765
0815 1477 6765

Chandra Kumala School
No.1 Block O, Per. Cemara Asri
Deliserdang, 20371, Indonesia